
Google / Digital Ocean

Your partner in the cloud, we have specialized in Google Cloud Platform and Digital Ocean that offer a large range of cloud solutions.

Google Cloud Platform
Everything you need to build and scale in the cloud

Let us analyse your needs

  • Independant customer guidance
  • Analysis – competeny matrix, scorecards..
  • Google reference qualification
  • Google service-, development-,software- and solution-partner
  • Google project funding search where possible

GCP is Google’s entire range of infrastructure and services within their cloud, spanning from AI to Tensorflow, from scale-out Compute Engines to Dev-ops and No-Ops.

Operating as a fully fledged Google partner, we at APPS People believe in facilitating our customers in the use of multiple GCP vendors and partners, while the number of specialized GCP partners and developers needs a customer-driven framework to execute and co-exist in.

Digital Ocean offer cloud location across the world

DQ offer better pricing than GCP,but yet very pwerfull when it come to server hosting network loadbalancing, docker and kubernetes.

A cloud environment that is prefeered even by us self as it is less complicated than Googles many features and yet odffering state of the art cloud functionality.

Inexpensive way to Kubernetes

Managed Kubernetes designed for you and your small business. Start small at just $10 per month, and scale up and save with our free control plane and inexpensive bandwidth.

Designed for developer and operators

Provision and deploy to production-grade Kubernetes clusters in minutes

Do more with less complexity